sábado, 10 de abril de 2010

Home :: Communia 2010 :: University and Cyberspace :: 28-30 June 2010 :: Torino, Italy « ArquitecturaS

"Universities are entrusted with the increasingly important responsibility of creating, sharing, and fostering use of knowledge on behalf of society, and to that end, are the recipients of tremendous investments of time, money, space, authority and freedom. Universities have embraced this role in diverse fashions, varying by tradition, period, and discipline, but we now ask them to go further. As we progress ever more deeply into a networked age, our knowledge institutions are faced with concomitant opportunities. They are challenged by society to become a driving force to create and disseminate knowledge – using innovative, effective, and dynamic approaches – derived from and for the networked world."
The website for the COMMUNIA 2010 Conference is now fully operative, including a draft programme, useful information and an announcement list subscription: http://www.universities-and-cyberspace.org

University and Cyberspace

Reshaping Knowledge Institutions for the Networked Age
28-30 June 2010, Torino, Italy

Please SAVE the date and spread the word!

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